Benefits of the Alexander Technique
Anyone can benefit from learning the Alexander Technique and it is never too late to start. In learning to use optimum muscle tone we can gain greater freedom in movement, have fewer aches and pains and be less prey to our habits. With less tension in the body, breathing becomes easier and more efficient.
You may find relief from chronic pain conditions, headache and neck strain and reactions to stress.

Although many people come to the Alexander Technique seeking relief from a specific pain, they are often surprised to find other improvements occurring and find themselves living with more presence and clarity.
In 2008 the result of a back pain study was published in the British Medical Journal. The study concluded that significant long-term benefit from Alexander Technique lessons for low back pain has been demonstrated.
"Benefits of Alexander Technique lessons
The Alexander Technique is a taught self-help method that helps people recognise, understand, and avoid poor habits affecting postural tone and neuromuscular coordination. Lessons involve an individualised approach designed to provide lifelong skills for self care that can lead to a wide variety of benefits.”
Extract From BMJ report.