History of the Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique was first developed in the 1890s by an Australian named Frederick Matthias Alexander.
As a young and promising actor, Alexander faced a problem which risked ending his career - his voice would become increasingly hoarse during performances, until he could barely produce any sound at all. There seemed to be no medical cause for this, and doctors were unable to help.
So Alexander decided to help himself, and reasoned that he might be doing something wrong when reciting.
He began to observe himself in mirrors whilst reciting, and after years of research realised that the functioning of the voice depended on the correct balance of tension in his entire neuromuscular system, from head to toe.
Alexander developed his technique to encourage and maintain this balance through conscious attention and control: a technique which has become applicable to a wide range of problems and aims.
In short, this balance was extremely important for overall coordination and many other functions, such as breathing, posture, freedom of the joints in moving the whole body, using the arms and hands for skilled activities, staying calm under pressure, and maintaining good overall health.